Information About Education Industry


The Education Industry


The GCC education sector is continuing to grow on account of rising population, high per capita income and a growing preference for private education. The prolonged correction in oil prices posed challenges for regional economies, prompting governments to undertake several initiatives to focus on fiscal consolidation through subsidy cuts and curtailing public spending.
Despite a slowdown in economic growth, the education sector has remained a top priority for governments across the GCC as witnessed by their sizeable budgetary allocations towards this sector. Government long-term strategic initiatives and spending has played a pivotal role in strengthening the sector.
The education sector is facing intensifying competition, oversupply, high operational costs and a shortage of teachers, which, collectively is contributing to the increasing pressure on the operators across the education spectrum. To remain competitive, private and international operators are adopting innovative and novel marketing strategies to encourage student enrolments. Despite the challenges, the GCC education sector has continued to grow at a high pace.